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I’ve done Feldenkrais, ART, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, PRP, lots of chiropractors and more just to be able to walk again from old injuries. But Scott pulled it all together for me like no other approach. He has a gift to observe and identify what’s not working from a muscular mechanical perspective and trained me on how to overcome those issues. I now live with far less pain and move far more athletically than I have for more than a decade.
— Gerry, Entrepreneur, Mountain Biking Enthusiast
Scott’s skill in assessing the origin of pain and knowledge of healing techniques have made a profound difference in my prolonged healing from bi-lateral knee replacement surgery. He has literally turned hopelessness into pain relief and measurable progress to fully healing.
— Connie, Gardener, Performing Arts Supporter
Came to see Scott about an intolerable back pain I was having that wouldn’t allow me to sleep or continue my training with kickboxing. Scott was able to not only cure my intense pain but was also able to explain how I received it in the first place without me even telling him about what may have caused it. His knowledge is impressive and I would recommend him to anyone.
— Tigrin, Boxing Coach and Mixed Martial Artist
I really appreciate being able to collaborate with someone in your line of work. It’s rare to find a therapist willing and able to work with a trainer or coach to improve the movement patterns of an athlete.
— Chris, Strength and Conditioning Specialist

“I really appreciate being able to collaborate with someone in your line of work.  It is rare to find a therapist willing and able to work with a trainer or coach to improve the movement patterns of an athlete.”  -Chris Bullock, Personal Trainer


“All roads lead to Scott.  I do yoga and metobolic conditioning several times a week.  Not only have I seen Scott to help with knee pain, ankle sprains and tendonitis, but so many of the people I train with have also been helped by Scott”  -Sheri M


“I came to Scott a year after a horse riding accident shattered my tailbone.  I had finished my sessions of PT and seen several doctors but I still could not sit through dinner without pain or run more than a couple of miles on the treadmill.

After several treatments I not only returned to my hard workouts and running, but Scott taught me techniques to minimize the pain during long dinners or international plane flights.  I did a casual 8 mile run recently with my husband on a trip to San Francisco, and I think back to when I couldn’t do a lunge without wincing in pain.  Scott is phenomenal at what he does.”   -Cathy H


“Scott was the first session I scheduled when I returned from a photography trip in Bosnia with a concussion.  I had taken a bad fall and my speech and mood was affected enough I scheduled imaging and a session with Scott.  He not only brought the pain down to a bearable level but talked me through what I would be experiencing in the healing process and taught me how avoid making it all worse.  I’ve recommended quite a few friends of mine at the golfcourse to him.”  Cindy H


I scheduled my daughter with Scott after a friend told me he treats concussions in athletes.  In 1 week she went from extreme light sensitivity and nausea to a being able to return to school part-time and sleep through the night.  He explained to us how much her upper neck had been injured in the fall and treated that as well as the concussion to help her heal properly.   Suzanne M


This may sound weird to say, but Scott is the man.  I’ve seen him while preparing for Ironman, gone to him with odd ankle pain from mountain endurance runs and otherwise consult him when I’m falling apart.  He’s able to figure out and take care of injuries so quickly that I treat his number as 911.  Paul W


I’ve been training some of my clients for over 20 years.  Many of them were referred to me by orthopedic doctors.  When I have pain from my injuries and old surgeries I see Scott to figure things out and treat me.  It may mean I have to work on some obscure movement drill as my homework, but it always works.  Jonna P


If I feel binding in my hip or a return of old knee or calf pain I get a session with Scott.  I’ve coached for triathlons and Ironman and if any of my clients have complicated problems, I send them to Scott.  People call him the horse whisperer of bodywork. If you can’t figure it out, go to Scott! Debbie P


When I told a friend of the rooting and bracing drills that Scott taught me, she said “Why hasn’t any personal trainer ever taught me that?”  Once I learned how to do these techniques it was so easy to apply it during yoga and my workouts.  Oh, and I should share I’ve sent my whole family to Scott to fix their injuries.  He is amazing!  Annukka S


I was referred to Scott because of chronic neck pain and nerve pain down the inside my right arm.  In 3 sessions he released the nerve pain, taught me how to avoid compressing my neck and fixed my ankle pain.  The ankle pain wasn’t even what I sought him out for.  It is great to be able to work out again during a stressful work season.  Alice R


I am in my 50’s and have spent the last 10 years searching for solutions to my chronic knee pain and SI Joint and low back flare ups.  I’ve also been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis.  I’ve tried PT, Acupuncture, Yoga, Pilates and Feldenkrais.  None of that completed the picture until I saw Scott.  I’ve been able to mountain bike in the Cascades again and I recently carried a canoe by myself down to the lake.  I never would of tried that if it wasn’t for Scott’s treatments and teachings.  I have my small list of “Olsens” which I practice (almost) every day.  It is an amazing difference.  Gerry Z [don’t include name]


DIRECTLY FROM GERRY’S EMAIL: [don’t include name]

I’m a 54 year old former intense amateur bicycle enthusiast.  I’ve been plagued by a series of injuries for decades which ultimately left me depressingly incapacitated. 

Among other therapeutic approaches I’ve worked with numerous physical therapists of various sorts recommended by top athletes and trainers.  I’ve done Feldenkrais, Active Release Technique, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, PRP, lots of chiropractors and more.  Extensive efforts with all of these got me into a place where I could walk again.  But Scott pulled it all together for me like no other approach.  I’d call Scott the brainy mixed martial artist of therapeutic training.  Scott has a gifted ability to observe and identify what’s not working from a muscular mechanical perspective and train on how to overcome those issues.  Thanks to Scott’s hands on bodywork, articulate explanation of his observations and findings, clear demonstration and instruction on exercises, and general encouragement and support, I’m able to live with far less pain and move far more athletically than I have been for more than a decade.  He shared, “I’ve gotten back on the mountain bike to grind up trails that used to leave me knee pain and SI joint pain for days…I can also carry the canoe down to the lake again—That’s been a long time”



My daughter told me to see Scott before my trip to Macchu Pichu.  I was worried I wouldn’t be able to hike well because of my hip pain.  I felt better after his treatments and practiced the drills he gave me.  I was able to hike completely fine in the mountains thanks to him.  I am  69 years old and I am thankful to have found him.  Satu H


I got two sessions from Scott while I prepared for a perforamance in Denver.  He is a fantastic bodyworker.  I told him that all he needs his to set up a video camera in front of him and press record.  He is a natural teacher and has a lot to give to this world.   Art Garfunkle


The night of our performance I was feeling a lot of wrist pain.  I was afraid I would have trouble playing some of the complicated sets.  A friend of the band told me to see Scott.  He fixed my wrist pain and it was so good to pick up the fiddle and trust I could play all night.     Vanessa T, Tarras


I came to Scott after a deployment and asked if he could check out my foot and ankle pain.  Whatever he did fixed a sharp pain I had been feeling for almost 2 years.  I had started to think I would never get rid of that pain.  I’d recommend him to anyone.  Matt G, Special Forces


I saw Scott for several treatments before qualifying for the 2008 Summer Olympics.  He helped me with me with a nagging shoulder pain and explained how some of my habits in archery were creating compression and overstretch in different zones of my shoulder girdle and neck.  My pain went away and the descriptions he gave me from his martial arts matched a lot of what my coach was having me change in my draw and release.   Brian L


Scott’s only mistake with me was not having a facebook page.  I had 8000 friends that I wanted to post to and tell them to see Scott immediately.  I tore a muscle in track back in college and 25 years later he taught me why that trauma still affected my walking, running and cycling.  I’ve already booked my next Backroads bike trip to China.  Ben S


I’ve suffered from major atrophy from a calf tear and a torn nerve in my shoulder from a ski accident.  Scott is the only therapist I’ve let work on the damaged tissue.  He is treatment style safe, methodical and incredibly knowledgeable.  I am taking on kettlebells and returning to some harder workouts now that I trust the strength of my left arm again.

Dave B, CFO


I found Scott to be very detailed and knowledgable.  He helped me with some hip pain and also told me directly that he couldn’t determine what the root cause was.  I’ve since had imaging and discovered a labrum tear that will have me reprogram my training for awhile as I consider other medical options.  I’d definitely recommend him.  Clayton C, 4 time Ironman finisher


I’ve seen Scott for a bone spur and achilles tendonitis, arthritis in my big toe, sinus pain and back pain.  He knows so much and is so willing to share and explain what is going on.  He has even shown me how to improve my posture at the bridge table.  After my husband had back surgery I sent him to Scott to help with his rehab. He is very gifted and has so much knowledge to share.   Pat J, 72, retired school teacher.


I’ve already trained with mountain biking coaches and taken multiple seminars, but when I went to scott to help with some chronic IT band pain what he taught be about hooking into the biking and keeping my psoas engaged helped both my leg pain and improved my reaction timing on the bike.   Ivar C (CFO of REI)  



We hosted Scott Olsen for a talk on Headaches at Altitudes: Why posture matters in mountaineering.  He was organized and professional and a very clear speaker.  The audience stayed late for a very lively Q&A.  Mr. Olsen’s experience and knowledge can help a lot of people.   T S REI

(The role of posture, why tight calves create tight necks, why sodium and wine create potassium deficiency.  Why bracing the abs and diaphragm breathing maximizes oxygen intake at high elevations.)