Your are motivated to fix your pain problems or you have tried everything else. Let me take it from here. I have spent
over 10,000 hours working and anaylizing how the mind and the body are connected from skeleton to joints joints to
muscles. I am and expert on facisia that is what is beyond the muscle and I combine modern and ancient methods of
addressing and fixing your needs. From migraines, injuries. You might experience pain in your elbow and and the
bottle neck of your healing or you hip of the left side is effecting you right wrist. I'm analyizing every movement
before we even talk and I can identify what is wrong.
“I’ve done Feldenkrais, ART, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, PRP, lots of chiropractors and more just to be able to walk again from old injuries. But Scott pulled it all together for me like no other approach. He has a gift to observe and identify what’s not working from a muscular mechanical perspective and trained me on how to overcome those issues. I now live with far less pain and move far more athletically than I have for more than a decade.”
Wether I am working with clients at my office in La Jolla or consulting for teams around the world I analyze and
treat chronic pain that has been created by movement patterns, joint instability and long term inflammation.
A session with might include manual therapy on a table, ground work to reeducate the core stablizers or sport
specific solutions to bring tricky joints back on line, stronter and more stable than before.