Podcast 1.0

It was great talking to Debbie Potts on a podcast for Fit Fat Fast. I have an office in her Fitness Forward Studio and we talk about this everyday but it is great to share our knowledge with you. We talk about muscle glide and active recovery treatment.

Click on "Podcast" and it will open a window of the Fit Fat Fast Podcast.





Peak Performance

Peak Performance takes time with anything we do and for some our goals it takes a lot of time. Any injury or inflammation can be a set back especially if you signed up for your first 10k run or your 16th marathon. Identifying, fixing and and in some cases creating new strategies or movement will help you be not only back on your feet but not repeat the mistakes that instigate the your injury.  If you take 2000 steps and they are done poorly that is 2000 times you are aggravating an injury without even knowing it.